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SpaceObServer is compatible with all Windows versions currently supported by Microsoft, including supported Windows Server versions (latest patches and updates should be installed). Please find more details

here. SpaceObServer can be used in a virtual environment.

The minimum requirements regarding memory (RAM) and a CPU of SpaceObServer itself are so modest, that the minimum requirements of the oldest Windows version we support are even higher.

So, every operating system on which you can install SpaceObServer on (currently "Windows 10" / "Windows Server 2016" and higher) with at least approx. 160MB disk space for the installation fulfills the minimum system requirements.

Pleease find information on the minimum requirements of the database here.

You always need a SpaceObServer (Enterprise or Standard) license as base. This license includes the SpaceObServer user interface for reporting and the SpaceObServer scan service which executes the scans and archives the file system information into a database.

The SpaceObServer Remote Client only includes the SpaceObServer user interface only, without the scan service. You can install SpaceObServer Remote Client on additional machines in your network to generate reports for scanned directory trees, by accessing the data stored in the backend database. You can also use the SpaceObServer Remote Client for remote administration of scans.

Each instance/installation of SpaceObServer Remote Client need to be covered by one SpaceObServer Remote Client license.

Please find more detailed information how to use SpaceObServer in your environment here.

Yes, Azure Files Shares can be accessed thorugh an UNC-path.e. The UNC path format is \\<storageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<fileShareName>. Please find m ore information here.

The newest version of the MySQL ODBC driver is not supported with SpaceObServer. Please download and install the version 8.3 or lower from the oracle website after deinstalling the current version: MySQL :: Download MySQL Connector/ODBC (Archived Versions)

The SpaceObServer Remote Client connects to the SpaceObServer database. For the right-click Explorer context menu to work, it requires a direct connection to the file server, but this is optional. Also, for displaying a few MS Office specific metadata fields (Author, Last Saved By, Last Save Date, Keywords, …) it requires access to the files as these metadata is currently not part of the SpaceObServer database.

The SpaceObServer Web Access connects to the database only.

SpaceObServer runs fully on prem, but it can scan cloud storage, e.g. SharePoint Online, S3, Azure Blob. So, no agents on the scanned system are required.

The chart on our website "How SpaceObServer works" should demonstrate this:

We recommend Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise with at least 32GB of free memory (RAM) and a CPU with 4-8 cores.

Please find the supported SQL server versions here. We also docomented which database size you can expect, if there are any size limits for the datbase size.

You can find the Offline Installer in our customer area.

To download it, please log in with your user details and navigate to "Downloads".  During maintenance, you will find the current version there as an offline installer to download.

Basically, the user account configured for scanning the scan target (configurable at "Scan > Configure Scans > Expert Settings") requires the permission to list the folders contents and to read the attributes.
On a share additionally read access on the share is necessary.

If you want SpaceObServer to also collect the NTFS permissions ("Scan > Configure Scans > Scan Options"), the permission to read the ACL is needed.

If you want SpaceObServer to also calculate MD5 hashes for the duplicate file search ("Scan > Configure Scans > Scan Options"), the read access for the file content is needed.

This error code indicates that the root certificate is not trusted on the system. We just recently updated the certificate we used to sign our applications, so it still seems to be the case that this root certificate is not yet up to date.

These certificates are usually being updated and installed online and/or along with Windows updates. These updates might be disabled manually though.

Please check for pending or available Windows updates first.

If this doesn't work, please try to download and install the updated certificates manually. They are issued from GlobalSign and should therefore be considered safe:

Root certificate https://secure.globalsign.com/cacert/codesigningrootr45.crt

Intermediate certificate https://secure.globalsign.com/cacert/gsgccr45evcodesignca2020.crt

Please ensure to install the root certificate to the correct store (root certificates). Having Windows select the store automatically, it might select the wrong store for this certificate.

To install the root certificate, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the certificate. If the browser reports that the file could damage the system, confirm this message with "Keep".
    As the certificate comes from a trusted source (GlobalSign), this warning is not relevant in this case.
  2. Right-click on file and select "Install certificate" in the context menu.
  3. A Windows dialog opens. First select the storage location "Local computer" and "Next".
  4. On the following page, select "Save all certificates in the following location" -> Browse -> "Trusted root certification authorities" for this certificate.
  5. Click on continue/next until the import process is complete.

Proceed in the same way to install the intermediate certificate, but select the "Intermediate certification authorities" folder in step 4.

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