

This might be caused by a feature of your database that is called "full text search". Full text search allows running performant word searches, but requires that full words are entered.

Your license must be checked online for validity during installation. For these and other functions that require a connection to our server, it is necessary that your server supports TLS ciphers that are currently considered secure.

The following ciphers are currently supported by our server:


Please make sure that at least one is also supported by your server.

Alternatively, you can download an offline installer for the installation from our customer area at

Please note that other functionality such as checking for new versions, which must connect to our server, will still not work.

It is highly recommended to update the version on the old server first.
This will update the settings and the email archive as well.

For an update from a version older than 5.8.2, it is recommended to perform the update in two steps:

  1. Install the update to version 5.8.2. You can download the setup in your customer area
  2. Install the update to the latest version

Important: If you are using the mail archive, you must then ensure that the archive migration to the latest version is complete before performing any further steps.
If the migration is still in progress, this will be indicated in the configuration interface under "Overview".

You can then install the latest version on the new server and migrate the settings and archive as described below:


If it is not possible to update the old version on the old server first due to technical limitations, you can also proceed as follows:

Install the same version that is installed on the old server on the new server. Then you can migrate the settings and archive to the new server as described here:

Now you can update to the latest version directly on the new server.
For security reasons, please proceed in two steps as described above if you are using a version older than 5.8.2.

This can happen if SpamAssassin is overloaded. To fix the problem you can increase the MaxChildren and/or MaxSpare settings in the "C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\spamdService\SpamAssassinServiceController.config". Increasing MaxChildren allows SpamAssassin to use more processes, which allows it to scan more emails in parallel. Increasing MaxSpare allows SpamAssassin to keep more idle processes on reserve to react faster to load peaks.

There are 2 possibilities to solve this problem:

1) Freeing up the port (recommended)

Please stop the application that uses the required port, or change its port.

To find out which process is using the required port, execute the following command in a PowerShell console:

  • Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort <port>).OwningProcess

Make sure that you replace <port> with the port that is used by the other application.

After the port is free, please restart the service of our software.

2) Changing the port (possible since version 6.4)

Navigate to the advanced setting and open the port options.

There, you can change the port. Please save the settings afterwards.

In case, the port is designated for communication between different hosts, please make sure to adjust the port configuration on both hosts and do necessary changes at the firewall when ports are changed.

This is a problem of the ClamAV update server. It is not a critical problem, which will disappear by itself once the problem on the server has been fixed.

You can ignore the error messages until then, or enable the option "Log ClamAV Update errors as warnings only" in the Anti-Virus settings. Be sure to disable this option as soon as the problem is fixed.

You can change the type of archive and the database type used at any time. Mails that have already been archived must then be re-imported into the new archive.

Configure the new Archive

To do this, you must first configure the new archive under "Main Archive -> Archive Type". First create a new index database via "Create new database" or "Create new file" for the integrated database.

For performance and compatibility reasons, we recommend using file system archiving in combination with an MS SQL database as the index.

If you have already used a file system archive and wish to continue using it, it is recommended that you also configure a new dedicated folder under "Archive root folder".

From now on, new mails will be saved in the newly configured archive.

Import mails from the old Archive

You can subsequently re-import mails that have already been archived in the old archive via "Main Archive -> Import".
There are 2 different cases here:

You have previously used a file system archive.

In this case, you must use the import via "Import -> File system -> Old file system archive". The files are copied to the new file system folder or to the newly configured database and indexes them in the database.

You have previously used a database archive.

Here you must use the import via "Import -> Old database archive -> Your previous database type". This exports the mails from the old database to the new file system folder or to the newly configured database and indexes them in the database. 

Please note the following in general:

  • Depending on the size of the old archive, an import can take a relatively long time. It is therefore advisable to import large archives in individual steps. You can do this using the filter options during import, for example.
  • If additional client archives are configured, this must be carried out individually for each client with identical steps.

Information on how to migrate the entire Exchange Server Toolbox installation to a new server can be found here:

During your maintenance period, they are located at Downloads -> Older versions in the customer area, if you are logged in to your customer account.

You should be able to find the installation files and keys of the two last major versions there.

The following folders should be excluded in any external security program to prevent problems with the Exchange Server Toolbox:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\Exchange Server Toolbox\bin
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\JAM Software\ClamAVInABox
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\JAM Software\Redis-EST
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\JAM Software\SpamAssassin
  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\ClamAVInABox
  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\Exchange Server Toolbox
  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\spamdService
  • And your configured Filesystem archive folder (if applicable)

This is important so that the Exchange Server Toolbox can check mails for viruses without interference. Since the Exchange Server Toolbox receives emails via TCP and temporarily stores them locally for virus scanning, the processes in the listed folders must be undisturbed during these operations. If security software interferes with the process, errors may occur during email processing.

In addition, it can happen that virus signatures used by ClamAV are detected as viruses. If something deletes or blocks the signatures, the Exchange Server Toolbox cannot provide virus protection.

For more information about using Exchange Server Toolbox and an external virus scanner at the same time, see the chapter Anti Virus in the help.

To check if the Exchange Server Toolbox is the reason for emails not arriving, you can search for the email in the Event Viewer. To do this, you can filter by the email addresses or search for emails that were not delivered in the "Delivered" column. If the email is not listed or is marked as "Delivered", then Exchange Server Toolbox is not the reason the email was not delivered.

For more information relevant to the topic, see the articles linked below:

Here you can find instructions on how to remove Exchange Server Toolbox from the e-mail processing chain.

Here you can find information about checking if your Exchange Server is causing problems.

All entries (Page 1 of 7)

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