

Reason: Your IIS is not enabled.

Install the Internet Information Server (IIS) via the Windows command line or via the 'Server Manager':

  1. Open the 'Server Manager'.
  2. At the dashboard use the entry 'Add Roles And Features'.
  3. Click on 'Server Selection'.
  4. Click on 'Server Roles'.
  5. Scroll down and enable the role 'Web Server (IIS)'.
  6. Go to 'Features' and enable 'HTTP Activation'.
  7. Click on the button 'Next' until the button 'Install' appears. Enable the checkbox 'Restart the destination server automatically if required' and press 'Install'.
  8. After the installation press the button 'Close' and proceed the setup.

Possible Reason: ASP.NET 4.0 is installed, but not registered.

  1. Open the windows command line.
  2. Go to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\' and execute the following command: aspnet_regiis.exe –iru

Possible Reason: ASP.NET 4.0 is installed, but not registered.

  1. Open the windows command line.
  2. Go to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\' and execute the following command: aspnet_regiis.exe –iru
  3. Execute the setup of SpaceObServer Web Access again and use the repair function.

Possible Reason: The Application Pool spaceobserver_apppool is not started. Please start the Application Pool:

  1. Open the IIS-Manager (inetmgr)
  2. Go to 'Application Pools'.
  3. Start the Application Pool 'spaceobserver_apppool'.

Possible Reason 1: Your web server is not connected to the installation folder of SpaceObServer Web Access. That could happen when you rename any folder that affects the path to the software or move the installation folder to another location.

Solution: Connect the web server with the installation folder of SpaceObServer Web Access. by setting an physical path.

Possible Reason 2: Your preferred URL is not bound to the web site.

Solution: Add an URL to access 'SpaceObServer Web Access' by adding an binding via the IIS-Manager (inetmgr).

The SpaceObServer Web Access web site is configured to allow SSL protected access only. Install SSL for the 'SpaceObserver Web Access'-site to access the site via https.

Alternate: disable SSL (not recommended):

  1. Run 'Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager' (Press Windows-Key and Type 'IIS Manager').
  2. In 'Connections' Navigate to 'Servername' > 'Sites' > 'Default Web Site' > 'SpaceObServer Web Access' and choose 'SSL Settings'.
  3. Uncheck 'Require SSL'.
  4. Select the server below 'Connections' and press 'Restart' in the 'Actions'.

The file WebAccess.dll is broken and cannot be loaded by the IIS or the file 'C:\ProgramData\Jam Software\SpaceObServer Web Access\WebAccess.config' has an invalid content or is missing.

Uninstall SpaceObServer Web Access and do not keep the application configurations. After that, install SpaceObServer Web Access again.

The 'Forms Authentication' is not activated in the 'Windows Features' for the web site (similar to error code 401.2). Activate the 'Forms Authentication' in the 'Windows Features' and for the web site via the IIS-Manager:

  1. Open the Server Manager.
  2. On the dashboard select the entry 'Add Roles And Features'.
  3. Click on 'Server Selection'.
  4. Click on 'Server Roles'.
  5. Navigate to 'Web Server (IIS)' > 'Web Server' > 'Security' and enable the 'Windows Authentication'.
  6. Click on 'Next' until the button 'Install' appears. Enable the checkbox 'Restart the destination server automatically if required' and press 'Install'.
  7. After the installation press the button 'Close' and try to execute the SpaceObServer Web Access in your browser again.

Enable the Windows Authentication:

  1. Open the IIS-Manager (inetmgr).
  2. In the left pane, open 'Sites' and select the 'SpaceObServer Web Access'.
  3. In the middle pane in the section 'IIS' doubleclick 'Authentication'.
  4. Select 'Forms Authentication'. In the right pane press 'Enable'.

Possible Reason: The 'ASP.NET Impersonation' is enabled for the site. This is an known problem on Windows Server 2012. Please disable the 'ASP.NET Impersonation':

  1. Start the IIS-Manager.
  2. Navigate to the site of the SpaceObServer Web Access
  3. In the middle pane, in section IIS choose 'Authentication'.
  4. Deactivate the 'ASP.NET Impersonation'.
  5. Restart the site.

Possible Reason: ASP.NET 4.7.2 has not been enabled in the 'Windows Features' underneath the 'Internet Information Service (IIS)'. This is an known issue on Windows Server 2012. Please activate ASP.NET 4.7.2 in the 'Windows Features' underneath the entry 'Internet Information Service (IIS)':

  1. Open the Server Manager.
  2. On the dashboard use the entry 'Add Roles And Features'.
  3. Click on 'Server Selection'.
  4. Click on 'Server Roles'.
  5. Navigate to 'Web Server (IIS)' > 'Web Server' > 'Application Development' and activate 'ASP.NET 4.7.2'.
  6. In the next dialog all dependend features will be shown. Press 'Add Features'.
  7. After the installation press the button 'Close' and try to execute the SpaceObServer Web Access in the browser again.
All entries (Page 4 of 6)

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