You can access the administrator backend either by entering the URL directly with the URL path http://hostname/admin or from the Start menu on the installed machine.

Information on this topic can be found in our online help under the item Permissions.
You can purchase the Software via our online shop. You can find out the price in the SpaceObServer box.
No. You can install SpaceObServer Web Access on a separate machine. You only need to connect SpaceObServer Web Access to the database where SpaceObServer stores the scans.
- Too many columns are activated. Please do only select the columns you need.
- Expensive columns block other processes. Please deactivate expensive columns that you do not necessarily need:
- Growth
- % Growth
- Growth last Week
- Growth last Month
- Spaceobserver is currently Scanning. Please wait till the scan is completed.
- You are logged in with an local user account. Please login with an user account from your Active Directory.
You can increase the ajax timeout by an configuration file. Please follow these steps:
- Please start the IIS-Manager (inetmgr) and stop the site 'SpaceObServer Web Access'.
- Please open the file 'C:\ProgramData\Jam Software\SpaceObServer Web Access\WebAccess.config'.
- Please change the value 50000 (50 seconds) inside the element <AjaxTimeout> to increase the timeout.
- Start the site 'SpaceObServer Web Access' via the IIS-Manager.
We have no online help to configure https. But you can use the official Microsoft documentation:
The SpaceObServer Remote Client connects to the SpaceObServer database. For the right-click Explorer context menu to work, it requires a direct connection to the file server, but this is optional. Also, for displaying a few MS Office specific metadata fields (Author, Last Saved By, Last Save Date, Keywords, ) it requires access to the files as these metadata is currently not part of the SpaceObServer database.
The SpaceObServer Web Access connects to the database only.
Basically, the user account configured for scanning the scan target (configurable at "Scan > Configure Scans > Expert Settings") requires the permission to list the folders contents and to read the attributes.
On a share additionally read access on the share is necessary.
If you want SpaceObServer to also collect the NTFS permissions ("Scan > Configure Scans > Scan Options"), the permission to read the ACL is needed.
If you want SpaceObServer to also calculate MD5 hashes for the duplicate file search ("Scan > Configure Scans > Scan Options"), the read access for the file content is needed.
Some database providers may not be installed on a device.
Please visit the following Microsoft page to download the SQL Server Native Client: Download Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Native Client - Latest Servicing Release from Official Microsoft Download Center
Please run the downloaded installer and try to connect to the database again.
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