Text-based file types can generally be searched right away and should not cause any issues if the used syntax is correct.
Other file types often require an IFilter to be searched.
Our software uses the corresponding IFilter that is installed and registered within Windows. If the content search does not find any results or gets stuck at some point, the currently used IFilter is the most likely culprit; we see this especially often with PDF files.
For PDF files, we recommend installing the Adobe IFilter as it has been the most reliable one. This does not require installing Adobe Acrobat, it is a separate installer.
It is possible that a new IFilter is installed and automatically registered when installing a new PDF software (or other relevant software for other file formats) on the system. In this case, it is necessary to register the working IFilter again if there are any issues with the new one. This can be done by reinstalling it. For PDF files, there is an alternative way described here.