

There are two main causes for why the values reported in TreeSize differ from the values reported in the storage metrics:

  1. The storage metrics include the recycle bin of the site. TreeSize does not yet take the recycle bin into account.
  2. The storage metrics include all versions of all files stored in the library. TreeSize reports on the latest version only by default though. You can activate the option Options > General > 'Track advanced file system features' to let TreeSize consider all versions. Please note that this may slow down the scan speed though.

None of our applications depend on Java Spring or any other Java library and are thus not affected by this vulnerability.

All of our products are being developed in Delphi or C#. Although we use Spring4D(elphi) with some of the components, they are safe to use, because the reported vulnerability applies to Java Spring framework only.

This applies to all versions and editions of our applications (TreeSize, SpaceObServer, SpaceObServer WebAccess, HeavyLoad, SmartPOP2Exchange, Exchange Server Toolbox, SpamAssassin in a Box, SpamAssassin for Windows, SmartCallMonitor, SEPA-Transfer, ServerSentinel, and ShellBrowser). It is recommended to always use the latest available versions though to benefit from the latest patches, improvements, and features.

This is unfortunately currently not possible. The parameters /silent and /verysilent are not able to supress this popup.

It is normally not necessary to perform a silent uninstallation, since Updates can be simply installed over a existing installation.

Customer with 25 or more licenses are able to download a 64Bit MSI installer in our customer area, with wich a silent uninstallation can be performed. 

The reason why PDF files cannot be opened is because Adobe Acrobate Reader is preventing to open files from an application with administrator rights via its Protected Mode. To solve this issue disable protected mode by doing the following:

  1. Open Adobe Reader.
  2. Choose Edit > Preferences...
  3. In the Categories list on the left, select Security (Enhanced).
  4. In the Sandbox Protections section, deselect Enable Protected Mode at startup.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.
  6. Close Adobe Reader.

For more information about Protected Mode (and possible vulnerabilities) refer to the Adobe website.

These incorrect sizes can also be seen in the Windows Explorer.
This results from a limitation in the server message block (SMB) protocol which unfortunately always returns the information of the host of the share and not the share itself.

Thank you very much for your helpfulness.

The configuration of WER (Windows Error Reporting) to create a user-mode crash dump in case of an application crash is covered in this article from Microsoft in detail.

Basically, you need to create a new registry key for TreeSize.exe and define three values. You can copy these commands and run them in a commandline (cmd.exe) with administrator privileges to create the keys directly. You can also adjust the path to write the crash dumps to (just change D:\TreeSizeDumpFiles\):

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\TreeSize.exe" /v DumpType /t REG_DWORD /d 2
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\TreeSize.exe" /v DumpCount /t REG_DWORD /d 3
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\TreeSize.exe" /v DumpFolder /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d D:\TreeSizeDumpFiles\

All of our products are being developed in Delphi or C#. Although we use Log4Net with some of the components, they are safe to use, because the reported vulnerability applies to Log4J only.

None of our applications depend on Log4J or any other Java library and are thus not affected by this vulnerability.

This applies to all versions and editions of our applications (TreeSize, SpaceObServer, SpaceObServer WebAccess, HeavyLoad, SmartPOP2Exchange, Exchange Server Toolbox, SpamAssassin in a Box, SpamAssassin for Windows, SmartCallMonitor, SEPA-Transfer, ServerSentinel, and ShellBrowser). It is recommended to always use the latest available versions though to benefit from the latest patches, improvements, and features.

This can happen, if TreeSize has been installed on the system before, but on a partition that no longer exists.

To resolve this issue, please start the installer from a command line (or a Win+R-run prompt) with an additional parameter /DIR="C:\Program Files\JAM Software\TreeSize"

If the search does not return any results, but te search filter have been set corretcly, this could be due to a missing file content reader for Microsoft Office files. The reason for the absence of these handlers is in most cases a non-existent Office installation. 

If you do not want to install Office on your system, Microsoft provides separate filter packs to install these file handlers. These can be downloaded here:

Starting TreeSize from a command line (cmd.exe), you can use the pipe-notation to redirect output from the standard output stream (1) and standard error stream (2) to a file. E.g.:

TreeSize.exe /NOGUI C:\ 1>StdOut.txt 2>StdErr.txt

From the PowerShell, it's recommended to use the Start-Process command with matching parameters:

Start-Process -FilePath .\TreeSize.exe -ArgumentList "/NOGUI C:\" -RedirectStandardOutput ".\StdOut.txt" -RedirectStandardError ".\StdErr.txt"

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