

You can use command line paramaters to start a scan and automatically generate an Excel report.

For example:

You want to scan the drive C:\ and your installation directory of TreeSize is
Your directory for your reports is
"D:\My Company\Reports\TREESIZE\sheet1.xlsx",
with "sheet1.xlsx" as your sheet for reports.

In this case, the full command line would look like this: "C:\Programs\JAMSoftware\TreeSize\TreeSize.exe" /EXCEL "D:\MyCompany\Reports\TREESIZE\sheet1.xlsx" /SCAN "C:\"

Paths containing directory names with spaces must be embraced by double quotes, so it is a consistent and careful habit to double-quote all paths to avoid problems. Instead of retyping the command line every time you want to scan, you can save it into a .bat-file and start it by double-clicking.

/SEARCH opens the TreeSize File Search. If you add the ":start" option to this call, the search will be executed immediately. TreeSize, by default, uses the same settings as it did in the last file search. You may also supply a config file with search options. For further information, please refer to this chapter of the TreeSize manual.

You can switch this feature on or off in the options dialog under "System > Context Menu".

By default, TreeSize uses the columns for the export that are visible on the "Details" page.

You may configure the columns and other export settings in detail in the options dialog of TreeSize under the corresponding export type. You can then enable/disable the columns in the "Visible columns" list of this options page.

You can find a comparison of the TreeSize editions and SpaceObServer at: TreeSize vs. SpaceObServer

You can decrease the maximum number of used threads and select the priority in the options of TreeSize. To do so, please navigate to "Home" -> "Options" -> "Scan" -> "General". There, you can find the settings under the "Thread Options" headline. Reducing the number of threads will reduce the performance impact on the server.

In case this option is not visible, please navigate to the "Display" settings and set the "Application mode" to "Expert" and try it again.

Yes, this can be done in several ways.

Long paths can be searched by using the "Advanced File Search" of TreeSize. The advanced search contains a list of predefined templates, including one for "Files with long paths". You can select this template on the left side of the application window.

In the main application, folders containing long paths are highlighted in red if the setting under "Tools > Options > View > Display > Show elements conatining paths > 260 chars in red" is activated.

The context menu of theroot directory offers an option, for removing files that go below a certain limit. Right-click on the root directory  and select "Expand > Hide folders smaller than". (alternatively, you can select "Expand" from the ribbon menu "Scan")

Yes, it is possible. This can be done in the options dialog of TreeSize under "System > Startup". You can specify up to five paths here that are scanned when TreeSize is started.

If the root directory of this drive is selected, the drives free space will be shown in the pie chart. Please note that this requires the corresponding option in the context menu of the pie chart to be activated.

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