This can happen if SpamAssassin is overloaded. To fix the problem you can increase the MaxChildren and/or MaxSpare settings in the "C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\spamdService\SpamAssassinServiceController.config". Increasing MaxChildren allows SpamAssassin to use more processes, which allows it to scan more emails in parallel. Increasing MaxSpare allows SpamAssassin to keep more idle processes on reserve to react faster to load peaks.

There are 2 possibilities to solve this problem:
1) Freeing up the port (recommended)
Please stop the application that uses the required port, or change its port.
To find out which process is using the required port, execute the following command in a PowerShell console:
- Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort <port>).OwningProcess
Make sure that you replace <port> with the port that is used by the other application.
After the port is free, please restart the service of our software.
2) Changing the port (possible since version 6.4)
Navigate to the advanced setting and open the port options.
There, you can change the port. Please save the settings afterwards.
In case, the port is designated for communication between different hosts, please make sure to adjust the port configuration on both hosts and do necessary changes at the firewall when ports are changed.
During your maintenance period, they are located at Downloads -> Older versions in the customer area, if you are logged in to your customer account.
You should be able to find the installation files and keys of the two last major versions there.
None of our applications depend on Java Spring or any other Java library and are thus not affected by this vulnerability.
All of our products are being developed in Delphi or C#. Although we use Spring4D(elphi) with some of the components, they are safe to use, because the reported vulnerability applies to Java Spring framework only.
This applies to all versions and editions of our applications (TreeSize, SpaceObServer, SpaceObServer WebAccess, HeavyLoad, SmartPOP2Exchange, Exchange Server Toolbox, SpamAssassin in a Box, SpamAssassin for Windows, SmartCallMonitor, SEPA-Transfer, ServerSentinel, and ShellBrowser). It is recommended to always use the latest available versions though to benefit from the latest patches, improvements, and features.
- Open a Windows Command Terminal (cmd.exe)
- Enter this command:
- "c:\Program Files\JAM Software\SpamAssassin in a Box\LicenseManager.exe" /query
- Enter your new license key and press Next
All of our products are being developed in Delphi or C#. Although we use Log4Net with some of the components, they are safe to use, because the reported vulnerability applies to Log4J only.
None of our applications depend on Log4J or any other Java library and are thus not affected by this vulnerability.
This applies to all versions and editions of our applications (TreeSize, SpaceObServer, SpaceObServer WebAccess, HeavyLoad, SmartPOP2Exchange, Exchange Server Toolbox, SpamAssassin in a Box, SpamAssassin for Windows, SmartCallMonitor, SEPA-Transfer, ServerSentinel, and ShellBrowser). It is recommended to always use the latest available versions though to benefit from the latest patches, improvements, and features.
Rebooting the system fixes this error. To prevent it entirely run the SpamAssassin service with administator privileges.
In general adding whitelist entries in SpamAssassin can be done by creating a custom SpamAssassin cf
For whitelisting a single address you may use one of the following syntax
whitelist_from user@domain.tld
whitelist_from *@domain.tld
to whitelist all senders from a single domain.
We recommend to create a new cf-file at C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\spamdService\sa-config
and name it e.g. That way your custom whitelist will be parsed quite late during startup, thus preventing that any of your settings gets overridden by another config file. Please note that you
have to manually restart SpamAssassin Daemon control service to apply your changes.
You'll find a lot of information on the official docs or SpamAssassin Wiki.
Please run the setup of the licensed full version of the Exchange Server Toolbox.
Please do not uninstall the previous installed trial version.
All settings will be retained.
The results of the integrated SpamAssassin are written in the header of the mail, just like any other SpamAssassin. If you right-click on the mail in your Outlook and select "Message Options", a dialog appears in which you can view the Internet headers of the mail.
There you will find the spam report, which gives information about which rules have been applied to this mail:
X-Spam-Checker version: SpamAssassin 3.1.7 (2006-10-05)
* on
* at Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:56:40 +0200
X-Spam status: No, hits=1.0, required= 3.6, autolearn=no
X-Spam Report: * 0.5 HTML_40_50 BODY: Message is 40% to 50% HTML
* 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
* 0.0 BAYES_50 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 40 to 60%
* [score: 0.5077]
* 0.2 HTML_TITLE_EMPTY BODY: HTML title contains no text
* -2.0 SP2E_BodyWordWLRule BODY: SP2E_BodyWordWLRule
* 2.0 RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL RBL: SORBS: sent directly from dynamic IP address
* [ listed in]
* 0.0 RCVD_IN_PBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
* [ listed on]
* 0.3 URIBL_GREY Contains to URL listed in the URIBL greylist
* [URIs:]
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