You can use TJamShellListItem.FullPath, or JamShellList.SelectedFiles, which will return a full file name that always includes the extension.
Each Windows Shell extension may define which columns will be displayed for its view.To add or remove specific columns, use the OnCreateColumns event in combination with SetColumnVisibility.
uses ShellBrowser;
procedure TForm1.JamShellListCreateColumns(Sender: TObject);
with JamShellList do
SetColumnVisibility(TShellColumns.Size, False);
SetColumnVisibility(TShellColumns.Author, True);
This message is triggered by a handled excpetion. In the default configuration, RAD Studio stops on all exceptions, if handled or not. The end-user will not see errors like this for handled excpetions. Using exceptions for error handling is common in modern programming languages.
We recommend turning off this option:
"Tools > Options > Debugger Options > Language Exceptions > Notify on Language Exceptions".
Use the OnKeyDown event like this and overwrite the Key value:
procedure TForm1.MyistKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
// suppress a FullRefresh by F5
if (Key = VK_F5) then
Key := 0;
Just use this line of code:Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_HDROP);
The thumbnails are generated through the same Windows API function that the Windows Explorer uses, and so the ShellBrowser components will show similar thumbnails like the Windows Explorer.
To provide thumbnails for a certain file format that Windows does not support out of the box, it is best to register a thumbnail provider in the system.
Another option is to use the OnThumbnailUpdated event of the TJamShellList control, which allows you to change the generated thumbnail.
TShellBrowser.SetThumbnailProvider() allows you to set one application-wide thumbnail provider that is called if the system does not supply one.
This is usually a handled exception, which is only shown in the IDE and not outside the IDE. You can disable messages for handled exceptions in the Delphi menu under "Tools | Debugger Options" on the tab "Language Exceptions" by unchecking the option "Stop on Delphi Exceptions".
Yes, you can control this behaviour using the ShowContextMenuOnTop property of the visual shell controls.
Use the "InvokeCommand" method of a class supporting the ICommandInvokable interface.
To copy a single file see ItemIdList.InvokeCommand.
For a list of files use the ItemIdListCollection instead.
OLE Drag-and-Drop is a special way to transfer Shell data using Drag-and-Drop.
It is implemented in most ShellBrowser components and enables interaction with applications supporting this as well, like Windows File Explorer, Word, etc.
Standard VCL components do not support this out of the box, but you can enable them by using a TJamDropFiles or TJamDragFiles as mediator.
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