We have a few pages in our manual that describe how to get TreeSize connected to SharePoint:
1. https://manuals.jam-software.de/treesize/EN/scan_targets.html (general description of all scan targets, including SharePoint)
2. https://manuals.jam-software.de/treesize/EN/scantarget.html (description of the dialog that is used to select the scan target)
3. https://manuals.jam-software.de/treesize/EN/azure-ad-configuration.html (describes multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA))
In the scan dialog, "Server name" is the URL to the SharePoint, "Path" is the optional subpath on your SharePoint you want to scan, "User name" and "Password" are the fields where you put in your credentials. Alternatively, you can log in using a certificate.