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The main reason for this is that if we included the data of single files, the exported XML files would grow considerably and reach a size that cannot be handled reasonably.

Other export types, like Excel or PDF for example, allow including single files if it has been configured like this in the settings.

Since v9.0 you can also export the whole scan, including single files to an SQLite file. These database files can be reimported and worked with in TreeSize, just as you already know it from the XML files.

In case you need data like history data or growth reports on file level, we would like to recommend our product SpaceObServer. It regularly collects the file system information using a background agent and stores it in an SQL database, including size development and (optionally) all permissions. The reporting is faster and more flexible compared to TreeSize, because it is built on a database and collects data on file level. SpaceObServer offers advanced scripting capabilities through OLE Automation.

Yes. This web page provides an overview on the permissions reporting capabilities of TreeSize.

Right clicking on the header of the Details list will show a popup menu that allows to choose additional columns showing the permissions.
If you export a scan to Excel, these columns will be included as well. (To get a full report in Excel, you need to check-mark the option "Tools > Options > Export > Excel > Export the full directory branch" and optionally "Include single files in export"). Excel Auto-Filter is a good tool to filter the exported lists for specific users or groups, or to find folders or files where inherited permissions are mssing or own permissions are added.

Our advanced disk space and file manager SpaceObServer has better reporting capabilities for permissions.

Are the "Owner" or the "Permissions" column active and part of the export? In Active Directory environments, Windows can take a long time to query these values. To speed this up, please disable these columns if they are not needed.

You can compare a scan to another folder using "Scan > Compare with path". This will show the size and file count differences on folder level between the path that was scanned, and the one that was selected for comparison.

No. TreeSize does not actively change the archive bit, and the system only changes the archive bit if a file is written. TreeSize works strictly read-only when scanning and searching and also does not modify the last access date if possible,

Yes, Azure Files Shares can be accessed thorugh an UNC-path.e. The UNC path format is \\<storageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<fileShareName>. Please find m ore information here.

To upgrade, please contact our customer support directly and before purchasing an additional license. That way we can credit the Personal License and send you a quote for the difference in price. If you buy the Professional without contacting us, we cannot provide a refund (for business customers).

You can find the Offline Installer in our customer area.

To download it, please log in with your user details and navigate to "Downloads".  During maintenance, you will find the current version there as an offline installer to download.

TreeSize Professional adheres to all comon security measures like:

  • Access protected build environment (physically – no public access to our business rooms – and digitally – closed build servers)
  • Using a version control system to monitor changes and their authors.
  • Static code analysis
  • Manual code reviews

Additionall, TreeSize Professional is an on-premises solution that does not send any personal data back to us.

We have seen this behavior on a few systems by now, even though very seldom. It seems like the AppData folder contains a link to itself, which might not be reported as such transparently.

You can resolve this infinite loop manually by adding an exclude filter on the affected link in the options dialog at Scan > Filter > Files and folders to include.

A filter for this specific problem might look like, effectively filtering out all folders containing "AppData" as subfolders of a folder "AppData\Roaming":

Path - does not match pattern - *AppData\Roaming\*AppData\*

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