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Virus scanner exclusions

Question / Problem

Which folders do I have to exclude in my virus scanner and other security programs so that SmartPOP2Exchange works without errors?

Answer / Solution

The followings paths should be excluded in any external security program:

  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\ClamAVInABox
  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\SmartPOP2Exchange
  • C:\ProgramData\JAM Software\spamdService
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\JAM Software\ClamAVInABox
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\JAM Software\SpamAssassin
  • C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.spamassassin

This is important so that SmartPOP2Exchange can check emails for viruses undisturbed. Since SmartPOP2Exchange receives emails via TCP and temporarily stores them locally for virus scanning, the processes in the listed folders must be undisturbed during these operations. If security software interferes with the process, errors may occur during email processing.

In addition, it can happen that the virus signatures used by ClamAV are themselves detected as viruses. If something deletes or blocks the signatures, SmartPOP2Exchange cannot provide virus protection.

You can find further information on how to use SmartPOP2Exchange and an external virus scanner at the same time in the help under Anti-virus software.