

Manually backup settings

Question / Problem

How can I manually back up my Exchange Server Toolbox settings?

Answer / Solution

To create a manual backup of the settings, back up the following directories:

  • C:\ProgramData\JamSoftware
    • \ClamAVInABox
    • \Exchange Server Toolbox
    • \spamdService
      • \sa-bayes
      • \sa-config
  • C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.spamassassin\

To restore the settings, you can copy the directories back to the appropriate locations one by one (to do this, you need to stop the ExchangeServerToolboxService and SpamdServiceControl services).

Alternatively, you can create a ZIP file and select it in the Exchange Server Toolbox under Settings | Advanced | Import settings. The ZIP file must contain the entire folder structure mentioned above. The two folders ProgramData and WINDOWS must be in the top level:

    • \ProgramData
      • \JamSoftware...
    • \WINDOWS
      • \system32...

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