

Exchange Server Toolbox does not process mails

Question / Problem

I have installed the Exchange Server Toolbox but it does not register any emails.

Answer / Solution

If the Exchange Server Toolbox does not see any emails, it is usually because the Exchange Agents are having a problem (assuming the service is running normally and there are no errors in the Event Viewer).

The first thing to check is whether the Exchange Server Toolbox agents are installed:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Shell
  2. Enter the command "Get-TransportAgent"
  3. There should be a list on which 2 Exchange Server Toolbox agents appear
  4. If that is not the case the easiest way is to reinstall the program
  5. If reinstalling does not fix this issue you can try to install the agents manually:
    1. Open a command prompt with admin rights
    2. Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\Exchange Server Toolbox\bin\Jam.EST.Exchange.Agent.exe" /install (Pre 6.0 ESTAgentNet4.exe /install)

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