

Why are some entries I see in the Windows Explorer context menu missing in the UltraSearch context menu?

Question / Problem

Why are some entries I see in the Windows Explorer context menu missing in the UltraSearch context menu?

Answer / Solution

Context menu entries in Windows can differ depending on whether an application was started  'as administrator' or not. Since the Windows Explorer, unlike UltraSearch, is not started 'as administrator', there may be differences in the context menus.
You can start UltraSearch without administrative privileges by disabling the setting 'Options > Application > Always start as administrator'. However, this is not recommended because it prevents UltraSearch from accessing the MFT (Master File Table) and may slow down the search in UltraSearch.

You can observe the same behavior if you start the Windows Editor ('notepad.exe') by right-clicking and selecting 'Run as Administrator' and then selecting 'File > Open...'. In the file selection dialog shown, you can also open the Windows context menu with a right click. The entries you are looking for are also missing here.

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