

One possibility why the total size displayed by Tree is that not all parts of the drive could be scanned due to access restrictions. Therefore it is highly recommended to run TreeSize as administrator.

Please make sure that you have the view option "Allocated Space" activated when you are interested in the physically allocated space.

Another possibilty has been introduced with Windows 10 version 1903, the system reserverd storage. This space occupies about 7 GB by default and is used by Windows exclusively. It is not visible to other applications and currently not represented with the scan.

Windows 7 support was discontinued with the release of TreeSize Free v4.5.0.

The last version of TreeSize Free compatible with Windows 7 can be found here: TreeSize Free v4.4.2

TreeSize Free v4.5 is compatible with:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012

We offer versions for older Windows versions for download on the product page:

  • TreeSize Free v4.4.2 for Windows Vista/Windows 7
  • TreeSize Free v3.4.5 for Windows XP
  • TreeSize Free v2.4 for Windows 2000
  • TreeSize Free v2.1 for Windows 95/98/ME

TreeSize uses the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) to access data on mobile devices. By now, MTP is the only generic way to access data on Android and IOS devices.

With MTP, the device itself keeps full control over which data are available and which are not. System files and other critical data usually remain hidden this way.

The free space of a drive - as well as its capacity - is a fix information and is not applicable for single files or folders.

Both of these informations are shown in the status bar after scanning a drive.

The free space can also be included with the treemap chart. The according option can be found on the contextual ribbon tab after activating the chart.

The percent values in TreeSize are defined to be based on the accessible and filtered sizes - so basically to the size values also shown in the related columns (depending on the current view mode: size, allocated space, or number of files).

Using the capacity of a drive instead would break this definition and even be undefined for many usecases (What's the number of unused files on a drive? How to interprete filtered results? How to calculate the capacity of a subfolder? ...)

The capacity and free space of a drive are represented as their own piece of information in the statusbar instead and can be shown as a separate tile with the treemap chart instead.

TreeSize allows you to quickly analyze your data and realize where the disk space has gone to.

You forgot about a backup job you have running every night?
Your game library has grown up to several hundred of gigabytes?
Your streaming app keeps everything cached?

With TreeSize, such information becomes obvious. But all of these data exist for a valid reason, and only you can decide which parts of you need to keep and which you can delete.

We are not aware of any application or software collection, which would install TreeSize Free as 3rd party software without asking. Should you notice such an application, please let us know, so we can investigate the situation.

TreeSize Free does not include any adware and remains completely inactive while not running. You can uninstall and remove TreeSize Free completely using the Windows Control Panel.

The default installation path for TreeSize Free is C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\TreeSize Free

Windows Search / Cortana would unfortunately not find the installed applications by default, but only its shortcut added to the start menu. To make sure the application is available via the quick search in the start menu, please make sure the start menu entry is being checkmarked for creation during setup.

This results from the basic view without details, where the size information for the current view type (size, allocated, files, percent) is shown before the name of each object.

Having the details shown, you can simply deactivate these values at "Options ->  Show preceding values in details view"

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