

When using Excel as export format, TreeSize will create a spreadsheet with the current timestamp and save the data into this sheet.

If the same file is selected for another export, TreeSize will create another sheet and append it to the file, so you won't lose the data from the previous export.

In general, TreeSize can scan any systems that have a drive letter assigned in Windows. This typically applies to local drives, network shares, etc.

Most mobile devices will announce themselves as MTP (media transfer protocol) devices, which allows access via Windows Explorer without having an actual drive letter assigned. 

TreeSize supports the MTP protocol since v6.3 and should thus be able to analyse all data available with this protocol.

Please note that most operation systems do not grant access to all of the files on the device via MTP. Especially system files and internal data can not be scanned this way. User data (like pictures and videos) usually are accessible.

TreeSize is capable of scanning Distributed File System environments. It will follow the links to the target directories so you won't have to map single shares. It can be necessary to activate the option "Tools > Options > Scan > General > Follow external mount points and symbolic links".

Yes, this is possible by using the "Group scans" feature available on the "Scans" ribbon bar. Using this feature it is possible to group scans under a virtual root folder. This virtual root folder shows a summary of all scans that are part of this group. This way you can merge different scans together e.g. for printing or exporting. You can add or remove scanned paths individually from the virtual root folder using the context menu.

Yes, TreeSize supports processing of NetApp filers, assumed they are accessible as normal network drive.

Yes, but it may require that you start TreeSize as administrator.

Yes, TreeSize can report on the directory level. You can view thedir  level for any folder or file in the 'Details' view. To activate the column, right click on the column header of the details view and choose the appropriate column. The absolute dir level is counted from the root of the drive, the relative dir level from the path where you started the scan.

If you need to filter a scan result for a specific directory or file level, you can use the Excel export from TreeSize. After scanning the system you can now use the 'File > Export > Excel File' button to create an Excel file that contains the scan data. With the filter features of Excel, you can now filter for any criteria.

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This highly depends on the performance of your hard disk, your PC, the number of files and folders and the settings. Just use our free an fully functional trial version and try for yourself. TreeSize scan using parallel threads and you won 't find a disk space manager that scans faster.

When using the new sqlite-based index file format, this is possible. Simple export such an index file, and use it for comparison at a lter time. 

We also offer another disk space manager called SpaceObServer which is made for continuous reporting and saves its information on file level, so it can be used to observe the size growth of individual files. It stores its analyzed data in an SQL database.

SpaceObServer uses less RAM than TreeSize and the reporting is faster and more flexible. It also offers advanced scripting capabilities through OLE Automation. If you are interested, please visit:

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