

Scan multiple paths at once

Question / Problem

Is it possible to scan multiple paths at once, without having to select them one after another in the user interface?

Answer / Solution

Yes, that is possible with the command line parameters of TreeSize Professional.

You can use the parameter /SCAN and specify the paths which should be scanned. For example:

"C:\Program Files\Jam Software\TreeSize\TreeSize.exe" /SCAN "C:\" "D:\" "E:\"

You can also use the parameter /SCAN to define a text file, which contains a list of paths that should be scanned when TreeSize is started.
The text file should contain a simple list of scan paths, separated by a newline:


An example command line call for this would be:
"C:\Program Files\Jam Software\TreeSize\TreeSize.exe" /SCAN “C:\scanpaths.txt”

It may also be useful to create a dedicated shortcut that executes one of these command lines. To this end, just create a shortcut to Treesize.exe, open the "Properties" dialog of the shortcut, and append the command line parameters as arguments in the "Target" field.

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