

SpaceObServer doesn't start to scan a selected directory. What could be the problem?

Question / Problem

SpaceObServer doesn't start scanning the share I configured to scan. What could be the problem?

Answer / Solution

In case a scan does not start as expected please check the following points:

1. Is the SpaceObServer scan service ("SpaceObServer Agent") started?
The SpaceObServer scan service ("SpaceObServer Agent") processes all scans of SpaceObServer. If this service is stopped or paused, no scan can be processed.

2. Do you use "Windows Authentication" for the database login?
If you use the "Windows Authentication" option ("Tools > Options > System > Database > Login info") and you configured the login of the SpaceObServer scan service to a dedicated user account, this user must have read and write access on the database. If it is not possible to give this user access rights to this database, please do use the "SQL Server Authentication" and a dedicated database user instead.

3. Does the "Observing Server" exist and is a SpaceObServer scan service running on this machine?
If the "Observing Server" ("Scan > Configure Scans > Expert Settings > Observing Server") is set (not blank) for a scan target, only this server will execute scans for this directory, no matter from which client the scan was triggered or scheduled. If for any reason (e.g. a rename of the server) this machine is not found or no SpaceObServer scan service is running on this machine, the scan will not be executed. You can leave the field blank to allow any available scan service to execute the scan.

4. Are there any error messages displayed in the "State" column of the "Configure Scans" dialog ("Scan > Configure Scans") for the scan?
If this is the case, please check whether any error messages or warnings of the source "SpaceObServer Agent" are listed in your Windows event log (Category "Application"). These entries could help us figure out the nature of the problem.

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